Friday, February 16, 2007
Saturday, March 25, 2006
God is calling us, his children, to not only look for the opportunity to show His love in the darkness, but also in the light...I have found out that many people in the Light need to be shown His love, forgiveness, unconditional acceptance (also known as Grace) and that by doing so, the Dark will be caught off guard...
Over the past few months I have seen the tragic consequences of sin, not only in my life but in the lives of many of the people I love and hold dear. And I have seen the way sin separates the "righteous" from the "unrighteous"...and I am hear to say that I am witness to the scripture that states that our righteousness is like dirty rags...
And that all we are called to do is to ... Love the Lord our God with all our Heart, Mind, and Strength ... and Love People as we Love ourselves!
Look for the opportunity to Love today, and try not to see anyone's rags...dirty or not!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Because of Winn Dixie

...and this got me to thinking. Isn't life exactly that way? Sometimes sweet one minute and sad the very next moment? Isn't it at the times we feel on top of the world, that we feel the most alone? Then I'm reminded that we are in a world crying out for completion, perfection, and love that only God can bring, and that in those feelings of sweetness and sadness, our heart is actually yearning to relate to our Creator. He wants us to share those feelings with Him. And as I realize this, I realize that I am never alone...that He is right here with me, feeling those same things. In a trivial, human way...isn't that feeling of sweet and sad what He felt at Calvary? And then I realized that God was speaking to me through a "Kids Movie". How cool is that? Thanks God for taking the time to watch that movie last night with us...had a great time!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Home School Has Begun!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Away from the blog for a while...
So, you know when your heart is being challenged, how the Lord really pours it on thick! I have been reading Ephesians in The Message translation of the bible, and chapter 5:8-10 has been sticking with me...
" The bright light of Christ makes your way plain. So no more stumbling around. GET ON WITH IT! The Good, the Right, the True- these are the actions appropriate for daylight hours. Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it!"
I can honestly say, she has done that. She has a prayer written in her bible, that she has laminated as to make it a permanent reminder. The prayer paraphrased says, "Lord, let my heart be open to love people today, just as you have loved me. Let me not think of my own comfort, or security, or pain...just let me, by my love, show people You. Please don't let me put walls up, but help me be vunerable, just as You made yourself vulnerable..."
I think she has figured out what pleases Christ...and has set out to GET ON WITH IT! I just wonder if I have? Have you...

Friday, July 29, 2005
Be Careful What You Read...
Pretty strong words, and I do agree with her in that there are things in Donald Millers writing that I disagree with...But I think the point of the book as a whole is just that! How many people who call themselves Christians in this consumer culture of ours, see the "Pages of Junk" in peoples lives and never try to look past that to the "Nuggets" of truth that lie within?
- Why aren't our hearts aching for the people we come in contact with every day who are hurting and lost and by putting on an air of self-confidence are really just crying out to be loved by us?
- Why do we close our hearts to the Pandemic need of the Africa AIDS Crisis? Where one person dies every 15 seconds, not the weak and the frail, but (pardon my frankness) the sexually active who are usually the adult men and women of society.
- By 2010 UNAIDS estimates there will be a grand total of 107 million orphans in the world - virtually no change there - but a mind-numbing 25 million of them will be orphans of AIDS. That's 23.7% of all orphans
- There are 34 million orphans in Africa, of whom 11 million are believed to be orphans of AIDS. One third of Africa's orphans, or about one child in 20 overall, has lost his or her parents to HIV
- The global number of orphans due to AIDS is going to double in a decade, if we don't look past the pages of junk and see the people that Christ came to love, dying with no hope at all!
Finally I want to say that JillVerrier is a very good friend of mine, and when she says "It is so real that everyday I walk by demon possessed men and women living on the streets because they were "free" and didn't care what others said. Because they were "just being who they are". She means it! She is one person whom I know is looking for the nuggets in everyone she comes in contact with! In fact, she has laid down her life for these precious little ones, and IS making a difference every day in their lives, so when she comments strongly like she did, it really makes me stand up and take notice! So thank you Jill for reminding me through your comments to be more like Christ, and look for the "Nuggets" in everyone, just as He did in me!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Busy little thoughts...
"Some people skip through life; some people are dragged through it. I sometimes wonder whether we are moving through time or time is moving through us...I say this only because time kept traveling through me. When I was young I thought I had forever to figure things out...But I didn't. I didn't have long to figure things out. I believe that the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather have us wasting time. This is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink a man's mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God."
So I ask myself...
Am I wasting time?
Am I being religious to the detriment of taking the opportunities God is bringing into my life?
Am I sinking into habit?
Is my heart engaging God?
How about You?