Friday, July 29, 2005

Be Careful What You Read...

In my last post I commented on a book I am reading called "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. In the comments to my post there was a lot of agreement about what was written by him, but also some disagreement. I think this is good, I don't usually agree with everything I read, and it is sometimes this disagreement the makes me think all the more. In her comments of disagreement on this book I am recommending, JillVerrier stated that the book was "full of nuggets, unfortunately you had to choke on the pages junk to get to the good stuff."

Pretty strong words, and I do agree with her in that there are things in Donald Millers writing that I disagree with...But I think the point of the book as a whole is just that! How many people who call themselves Christians in this consumer culture of ours, see the "Pages of Junk" in peoples lives and never try to look past that to the "Nuggets" of truth that lie within?
  • Why aren't our hearts aching for the people we come in contact with every day who are hurting and lost and by putting on an air of self-confidence are really just crying out to be loved by us?
  • Why do we close our hearts to the Pandemic need of the Africa AIDS Crisis? Where one person dies every 15 seconds, not the weak and the frail, but (pardon my frankness) the sexually active who are usually the adult men and women of society.
  • By 2010 UNAIDS estimates there will be a grand total of 107 million orphans in the world - virtually no change there - but a mind-numbing 25 million of them will be orphans of AIDS. That's 23.7% of all orphans
  • There are 34 million orphans in Africa, of whom 11 million are believed to be orphans of AIDS. One third of Africa's orphans, or about one child in 20 overall, has lost his or her parents to HIV
  • The global number of orphans due to AIDS is going to double in a decade, if we don't look past the pages of junk and see the people that Christ came to love, dying with no hope at all!

Finally I want to say that JillVerrier is a very good friend of mine, and when she says "It is so real that everyday I walk by demon possessed men and women living on the streets because they were "free" and didn't care what others said. Because they were "just being who they are". She means it! She is one person whom I know is looking for the nuggets in everyone she comes in contact with! In fact, she has laid down her life for these precious little ones, and IS making a difference every day in their lives, so when she comments strongly like she did, it really makes me stand up and take notice! So thank you Jill for reminding me through your comments to be more like Christ, and look for the "Nuggets" in everyone, just as He did in me!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Busy little thoughts...'s been a while since I last posted...been busy, and I have been reading "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. AMAZING it's point of view. It is really challenging me, and I hope helping me to see the opportunities that are out there, especially when it comes to people with different ideology than me. Let me quote from the 2nd chapter...something that I am trying to digest and ingest...

"Some people skip through life; some people are dragged through it. I sometimes wonder whether we are moving through time or time is moving through us...I say this only because time kept traveling through me. When I was young I thought I had forever to figure things out...But I didn't. I didn't have long to figure things out. I believe that the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather have us wasting time. This is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink a man's mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God."

So I ask myself...

Am I wasting time?

Am I being religious to the detriment of taking the opportunities God is bringing into my life?

Am I sinking into habit?

Is my heart engaging God?

How about You?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Here is our friends Kelvin, Huseini, and Monji...we took the opportunity to show them our love! It is so worth it...

Even when you are far away...your heart still aches when you see them...

It has been 5 months since we returned from Tanzania, and we sure miss it! We love the people, the way they smile, and wave as you go by...the happy chatter, even though they don't have much. It really make life here in America seem unimportant. I know it is important, and that God really does give me opportunity every day, even in America. It is His desire to reach ALL, but it just seems like we are so spoiled. We take so much for granted! We live to spend our money...we don't even know how many people are out there hurting and dying of AIDS, and even if they are not dying, they are affected! When will we open our eyes and our hearts to the lost and destitute, the widows and the orphans who have nowhere to turn? I hope these next few photo's will at least open some of your eyes to the possibility of changing this world for at least a few pchildren who need help. Let me challenge you to find a child who is orphaned and hurting, and pray for them, write them a letter, send them some money or clothes or toys, try to visit them...who knows, they could become the next president of their country, a doctor who finds the cure for AIDS, or an inventor or great humanitarian...just because you took the opportunity the God gave you to touch the life of a child!